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Команда WSKF-Алматы вернулась из Москвы, где принимала участие в 7 Чемпионате Европы Всемирной Федерации Шотокан Каратэ-до W.S.K.F который состоялся 13-14 сентября 2014г. В турнире участвовали 400 спортсменов из 11 стран Европы в числе которых: Япония, Россия, Азербайджан, Турция, Армения, Швейцария, Германия, Грузия, Казахстан и др.

Опубліковано: 18-09-2014

When people are thinking about self defense many will hear about “self defense seminars” being advertised by various groups who claim to teach people how to defend themselves. Most often women more so than men are looking for a way to learn self defense because they realize the world is a bit dangerous and want to feel secure when going out. These kinds of courses and seminars are usually called reality based self defense (RBSD) and include various systems with very silly overly technical and politically correct names.

Опубліковано: 18-09-2014

Окинавское направление Уэчи-рю (иначе “система тигра, дракона и журавля”) развивается в Украине с 2010 года. В 2011 году возникла “инициативная группа” в г.Киеве, которая установила контакты с представительствами ОКИКУКАЙ в России, Сербии, Хорватии, Словении, Греции, Германии, Македонии. Под руководством опытных зарубежных инструкторов, в Украине регулярно проводятся учебные и аттестационные семинары по Уэчи-рю.

Опубліковано: 18-09-2014

The Greater Marco Family YMCA ‘s Seibukan Karate Shima Dojo recently hosted a Karate/Jitsu/Kobudo Training Seminar which featured guest instructors from around the USA.  19 participants who traveled to Marco Island from such locations as Ft. Lauderdale spent the day of instruction and practice of techniques under the guidance of Marco YMCA Shima Dojo Sensei Nick Lemke. Guest instructors included Craig Eubanks from San Francisco, California, Robert Pichardo of Miami, Florida and Ben Scott of Cumming, Georgia the home of Seibukan USA 

Опубліковано: 17-09-2014

Saturday 20th September 2014
Wado Kai Headquarters Centre of Excellence
35 College street Belfast
1pm - 4pm
Kihon Gumite help demonstrate very fine avoiding & counter attacking moves.

Опубліковано: 17-09-2014

Two seminars with Vince Morris.

20th September in Derry:
Templemore Sports Complex, Buncrana Rd, Derry BT48 7QL, 1.30pm-4.30pm

Опубліковано: 17-09-2014


Опубліковано: 17-09-2014

DATE: 20-21 September, 2014 • TIME: 9 am

VENUE: Sportcastle, Budapest 18th distr. Kisfaludy utca 33/c

1-3 places: medals and certificates, the winner of each category will receive a cup and special award offered by the sponsors. The winners of senior kumite and kata categories: karate gi, special prize offered by Székely Budo-Sport Ltd. and other prizes offered by the sponsors of the tournament.

DRAW: 20th September 2014

Опубліковано: 16-09-2014

Date: Saturday, 20th September, 2014
Time: 1.30pm – 4.30pm,
Cost; GB£20 or €25

Date; Sunday, 21st September, 2014
Time 10.00am – 12.noon
Cost; €15 or GB£15

Sensei Vince Morris is the founder of Kissaki-Kai Karate-Do, and he teaches realistic effective karate, including kata bunkai (breaking down applications of common kata) and how to apply these in only realistic ways. Sensei Morris has taught all over the world, including teaching police officers, military groups and government agencies and in the process he has had to put his training to use to actually save his life. This means that he has had made sure, that all of his applications really do work, and that's the kind of kata application everyone should like. .. The research that he has done on bunkai from the kata has spawned many imitators, over the years, the sincerest form of flattery, no doubt.

Опубліковано: 16-09-2014

This competition will be held on Sunday 21 st September 2014 in the Meadowbank Sports Centre, London Road, Edinburgh. The competition is open to all karate students as per categories detailed on entry form, regardless of grade. There will be Trophies awarded for 1st, 2 nd and 3rd equal. Medals will be awarded to all competitors. The children’s categories are open to 13 year old and under. The cadet categories are open to competitors aged 14 and 15 years only.

Опубліковано: 16-09-2014

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