Випуски журналу

28 SEPTEMBER  2014

- Venue :  Sports Hall Brooklands Farm School
- Newport Road, Milton Keynes MK 10
- United Kingdom
- convocation

Опубліковано: 22-09-2014

This past weekend we were privileged to have Sensei Regan Salamander and Master Tracy Salamander teach a martial arts seminar at TMAFitness. I have known the Salamanders for 32 years and admire them as martial artists and mentors. The Salamanders have spent the majority of their lives training and teaching the martial arts and brought close to 80 years of knowledge to share. Sensei Salamander and Master Salamander made the trip from their hometown of Colorado Springs where they teach at their studio, Springs Karate and Fitness.

Опубліковано: 22-09-2014



Опубліковано: 22-09-2014

7/8/9 November, Michigan, USA

This year's US camp will be held in Michigan in November at Sensei Phil Oaks and Sensei Jerry Bomay's dojo, the Bassai Karate Academy, 490 Quarterline S.E. Newaygo, MI 49337

Опубліковано: 22-09-2014

September 27 & 28, 2014
Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center
Tacoma, Washington

We are pleased and honored to invite you to participate in the 2014 West Coast Open Martial Arts Championships on Saturday and Sunday, September 27-28 2014. This year’s event will once again be held at the beautiful Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center in downtown Tacoma, Washington.

Опубліковано: 19-09-2014

04.10. - 05. 10

Rijeka, Croatia

Опубліковано: 19-09-2014

Saturday 6th December 2014

Wado Kai Headquarters Centre of Excellence
35 College street Belfast
1pm to 4pm

Опубліковано: 19-09-2014

В Киеве, с 23 по 28 сентября 2014 года, проходит Чемпионат Украины по боксу среди мужчин-элита.
Все предварительные бои проходят на базе ЦСКА, финальные бои пройдут 28 сентября в Киевском "Дворце спорта".

Опубліковано: 19-09-2014

WSKU European Shotokan Championships & World Shotokan Cup will be organised on 3-4-5 October 2014 in Tirana, Albania.

The participants who are not member of WKF may not participate to the event, and participating organisations should  sign ''terms and responsibilites'' .

Опубліковано: 18-09-2014

Місце проведення: Біля входу до оранжерейного комплексу НБС ім.ММ.Гришка (біля фонтану): вул.Тимірязєвська, 1

Організатор: Центр бойових мистецтв "АйКіКамі" (вул.Жилянська, 68)

Вартість: безкоштовно (вхід до НБС ім. Гришка платний - 20грн)

Опубліковано: 18-09-2014

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