Опубліковано: 09-07-2015
Опубліковано: 09-07-2015
Date: Sunday 26th of July 2015
Doors Open 8am: Start time: 10am
Venue: Green Bank Sports Centre, Green Bank Road, Liverpool L17 1AG United Kingdom
All athletes, spectators, coaches, officials are expected to behave in an appropriate manner any inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with by the competition organiser and offenders will be asked to leave. In extreme cases, they will also be reported to the British Taekwondo Disciplinary Board. British Taekwondo’s policy of ZERO TOLERANCE will be in operation at these championships in extreme cases of breach of the BT policy said persons may be Reported to the Police.
Опубліковано: 08-07-2015
Опубліковано: 08-07-2015
June 30th - July 4th RALEIGH Convention Center Raleigh, North Carolina
Early Registration – Tuesday, June 30th
Registration & Officials/Coaches Seminars – Wednesday, July 1st
Opening Ceremonies & First Day of Competition – Thursday, July 2nd - (Guinness World Record Attempt)
Competition – Friday, July 3rd
Competition – Saturday, July 4th
Опубліковано: 08-07-2015
Опубліковано: 08-07-2015
Date 25/10/2015
Adresse Rue des Charrons
Chaque participant à cette compétition s’engage à respecter les règles de son sport, la charte ABFT des bons comportements sportifs en compétition et la charte du mouvement sportif de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Chaque compétiteur doit être en possession de sa licence assurance en ordre pour 2015.
Les compétiteurs doivent être en possession de leur carte d’identité ou passeport.
Опубліковано: 08-07-2015
Опубліковано: 08-07-2015
Опубліковано: 08-07-2015
Опубліковано: 07-07-2015