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AJJIF GLOBAL - AJJIF KUWAIT World Ju-Jitsu Championship.

Опубліковано: 12-08-2014

Umag, Croatia
30th June- 6th July 2015

After the six first successful editions, we face in 2013 the 7th edition of the WKF Youth Camp and World Cup. This year we continue with the children categories, and the WKF Youth Cup will take place in parallel. This time in the city of Umag, in Istria, Croatia, where the participants are going to find the ideal conditions to fulfil the objective of the Camp; what it is like to train with top world champions in a friendly and cosmopolitan atmosphere whilst getting in touch for a whole week with the state of the art sport of Karate.

Опубліковано: 12-08-2014

30 August 2014

KYOKUSHIN CUP – Men’s and Woman’s Open weight Full-contact Karate Tournament. Open weight competition for Adults

Glasgow,United Kingdom

Опубліковано: 12-08-2014

14 November 2014

NASKA World Tour Event. WKF World Championships. New for 2014 Junior Super Fights! www.panamericaninternationals.com

Опубліковано: 12-08-2014

July 23. – July 27 2014

The camp's guest of honor and the main instructor: Kancho Richard Gilles 8.dan
Instructors: Sensei Kishalmi Péter 4.dan (S.K.K.T.SZ President) and Sensei Laub János 4.dan (Camp organizer).

Опубліковано: 12-08-2014

Waka Sensei will conduct the International Aikikai Aikido Seminar in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between 11-14 of September 2014.

Опубліковано: 12-08-2014

8th November 2014

internacionalni Kyokushin Karate turnir u Bosni i Hercegovini

2nd international Kyokushin Karate tournament in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Опубліковано: 12-08-2014

16 August 2014

Kamloops will host the first ever Western Canada Sports Sambo Open Championships in August 2014.

Athletes with backgrounds in Judo , Wrestling or Jui Jitsso are encouraged to compete as Sport Sambo is similar to these combat sports and would be compatible competition.

Опубліковано: 12-08-2014

Date: 1-7 September 2014

Place: Poznan, Poland

Опубліковано: 12-08-2014

Юная киевлянка Собко Виктория, стала Чемпионкой Мира по Тхэквондо ВТФ, 24-27.07.14, Баку Азербайджан. Виктория Собко: «Родители и тренер сделали все, чтобы моя мечта сбылась»  
Чемпионка мира по тхэквондо ВТФ среди кадетов Виктория Собко и ее тренер Валерий Брунс поделились своими ощущениями после чемпионата, секретами победы и планами на будущее.

Опубліковано: 11-08-2014

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