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The Omiki Seminar has become a traditional annual gathering to train as well as to celebrate together the achievements and hard work of the past year. This year’s three-day seminar, led by HKF Chief Instructor Christopher Curtis Sensei, will take place at the Maui Ki Aikido Shunshinkan Dojo from November 14-16, 2014.

Опубліковано: 18-08-2014

November 14-16, 2014

Redlands Aikikai, 590 Nevada St., Suite A, Redlands, CA 92373

Опубліковано: 18-08-2014

August 22-24, 2014

Redlands Aikikai, 590 Nevada St., Suite A, Redlands, CA 92373

Saotome Shihan, Founder & Head Instructor, Aikido Schools of Ueshiba, 15-year live-in student of the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba.

Опубліковано: 18-08-2014

October 31 - November 2

Seminar venue: Pacific Buddhist Academy Gymnasium, (Honpa Hongwanji) 1728 Pali Highway, Honolulu, HI 96817. Enter from Iliahi Street off Nuuanu Avenue.

Опубліковано: 18-08-2014

Akuzawa Sensei is an extremely sought after instructor with a busy travelling schedule that is currently taking him nearly all around the world, so to have secured a spot and be able to  invite him to New Zealand is all the more exciting. Akuzawa began his journey through the martial arts at a very young age, initially practicing traditional Chinese martial arts and successfully representing Japan in the International Sanda tournaments in the early nineties.

Опубліковано: 18-08-2014

September12-14, 2014

Belmont Ave, Chicago, USA

The Aikido Association of America is proud to announce a seminar with James Nakayama Sensei, hosted by Jyushinkan Dojo at Utah State University

Опубліковано: 18-08-2014

13/09/2014 - 14/09/2014

Circus Schatzinsel
May-Ayim-Ufer 4
10997 Berlin

Ausüben von Jo und Bokken nach den Lehren des Kokusai Aikido Kenshukai Kobayashi Hirokazu Ryu Ha unter der Leitung von Matoian Shihan Kyoshi 6. dan DNBK

Опубліковано: 15-08-2014

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, 6 and 7 September 2014

Venue: Shirley Boys Sports Hall, Shirley Boys High, North Parade, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Guest instructor: Hiroshi Fujimaki Shihan 6th Dan, Tokyo, Japan

Опубліковано: 15-08-2014

5th dan, Aikido Shinryukan New Zealand

23-24 August 2014


Aikido Tenshindo Wellington 2 Drummond Street (off Adelaide Rd) Mt Cook

Опубліковано: 15-08-2014

October 4, 2014

Roanoke Budo Kai Green Ridge Recreation Center 7415 Wood Haven Rd Roanoke, VA 24019

Jim Sorrentino Sensei holds a fifth-degree black belt in aikido. He began his martial training in Uechi-ryu Karate-do under Robert Galeone in 1977, and holds a third-degree black belt in that art as well. 

Опубліковано: 15-08-2014

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