Випуски журналу

September 06, 2014
Saturday, 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Seminar Location: (See map on back side)
Florida Karate Academy
1140 19th Street
Vero Beach, Florida 32960

Опубліковано: 05-09-2014

23 NOVEMBER  2014

- Venue : Sportshall Dn Dijck
- Platinadijk 27, Roosendaal   (route map)
- Netherlands

Опубліковано: 04-09-2014

23 октября - 26 октября 2014

Palasport Giovanni Paolo II Pescara

Опубліковано: 04-09-2014

13rd – 14th SEPTEMBER 2014


I would like to invite you for very special seminar MUGAI RYU IAIDO which will be held in Prague in Czech Republic.

Опубліковано: 04-09-2014

From the 21 to the 24th of August, the WKF expert Giusseppe Zaccaro travelled to Congo Brazaville to conduct a Referee Seminar for the National Federation as a part of the WKF development program. There were 80 participants in the seminar, from the countries of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo

Опубліковано: 03-09-2014

This year competitors from many places came to compete at the 2014 AKA American Open in San Diego, California. This is a picture and video gallery of the event, we hope to see you there next year at the 2015 American Open.

Опубліковано: 03-09-2014

Cours Marron & Noir Inter-École  le 5 sept 2014

Voir section  Horaires - Horaire cours marron & noires inter école

Location: Honbu

Опубліковано: 03-09-2014

On September 1st & 2nd I held a two days training seminar at Sensei Ulf Nolte Branch in Hamburg City in north Germany.

Members of the KYOKUSHINKAI KARATE DEUTSCHLAND organization traveled from all over Germany (some more than 800 kilometers) to take part in the first seminar I have given to this organization.

Опубліковано: 03-09-2014

The Swiss Wadokai Karatedo Renmei hosted a seminar with Takagi sensei over the weekend of 6/7/8 September. It was very well attended with visitors travelling from Austria, Canada, England, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy and Sweden.

Опубліковано: 03-09-2014

Тренування проводить Національний представник України в Японії: Шіхан Станіслав ШМАТ - 5 Дан.

Дні тренувань: - понеділок, середа, п'ятниця;
- вівторок, четвер, субота

Початок тренувань: 18:00-19:15; 19:30-21:00.

Місце тренування: вул.Грушевського,18 - "Просвіта" - спортзал.

Телефон: 050-670-64-63
ЗАПРОШУЄМО на тренування!

Опубліковано: 02-09-2014

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