20-22 марта 2015
Семинар мастера Ичиро Шишия пройдет 20-22 марта 2015 года в центральном зале ФАУ (Киев, пер. Новопечерский-7).
Ичиро Шишия (Ichiro Shishiya Sensei) - обладатель 7 дана Айкидо, официальный представитель Федерации Айкидо Японии, и Федерации Айкидо Токио, президент Toshima Ward Aikido Federation
Опубліковано: 26-01-2015
6 - 8 February 2015
Aikido & Healing Arts Center of Roseville, 501 Derek Place, Suite 100, Roseville, CA, US
The Aikido & Healing Arts of Roseville is delighted to announce that Reverend Koichi Barrish Sensei -- Head Instructor of Kannagara Aikido (member of the Western Aikido Association) and Senior Shinto Priest of Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America -- has accepted our invitation to teach an aikido seminar in Roseville. The event will be held over three days of Aiki Weapons, Hand Arts, as well as being able to share in the deep Spiritualism of Reverend Barrish.
Опубліковано: 26-01-2015
Опубліковано: 23-01-2015
EC2015“It is a great pleasure for us to invite You for European Kyokushin-Shinkyokushin Karate Championships In weight categories for seniors and juniors that will take place inWarsaw on 17 – 18 th April 2015.” We cordially invite You to participation in European Championships In Poland, Warsaw 16 – 19th April 2015!! Organising Team Coordinator
Опубліковано: 23-01-2015
Опубліковано: 23-01-2015
Опубліковано: 23-01-2015
Nos es grato dirigirnos a UD; y por su intermedio a los miembros de la Institución que dignamente representa. La presente es para invitarlos formalmente a participar del “3er OPEN INTERNACIONAL DE ARTES MARCIALES ARGENTINA 2015”, con el único fin de difundir, promover, estrechar lazos de amistad y confraternidad institucional.
Опубліковано: 23-01-2015
Опубліковано: 23-01-2015
26-31 Jul 2015
One more year, we have the chance to gather together in a European city, MALAGA, to an event that by “TRADITION” we meet again with our master Saiko Shihan Morio Higaonna, and of course for sharing with old and new friends a week of unrepeatable activities and experiences. A week for enjoying with friendship, comradeship and harmony below the same symbol and where there will be no place for the differences on account of sex, culture, religion or politics that can assault us every day.
Опубліковано: 23-01-2015
Опубліковано: 23-01-2015