Випуски журналу

24-27 JULY 2014


The International Summer Camp will be held from 24th to 27th of July 2014 in Benasque (Huesca-Spain). The participation at the summercamp is open for all Associations and Federations of Kyokushin. All aspects of Kyokushin as kihon, idogeiko, kata, kumite and self defense will be covered, even the exams for black belt (from 1º to 5º dan).

Опубліковано: 10-07-2014

17-20 July 2014 will take place in Krakow on the Academy of Physical Education the 41st European Summer-Camp with the participation about 300 persons from 10 countries.

The main trainer  of the camp will be the President EKF shihan Antonio Pinero 8 dan and the Representative of Japan shihan Noriyuki Tanaka 6 dan from Tokyo-Chiba.

The program of the camp is prepared for leaders of clubs and instructors.

Опубліковано: 10-07-2014

The 19th Balkan Children Championship. Turkey is the traditonal host major sporting events such as this
competion. Bring together the whole Balkan in one place; it is a great honor and responsibilty for Karate Federation of Balkan.

Acepting the organization of this tournament Karate Federation of Balkan wants to show everyone how karate is positve, mas and popular sport. We hope that al participants wil se and fel the energy, knowledge and hospitality of our hosts. This event is more than just a competion. It wil be a combination of riendship, art, and karate.

Опубліковано: 09-07-2014

Sunday October 19, 2014

Jonathan Law High School
20 Lansdale Ave,
Milford, CT 06460, USA

Опубліковано: 09-07-2014

The 22nd Karate World Championships in Bremen. We would like to use them to globally present our sport as innovative and geared towards the media.

For the first time in the history of our sport, we will link popular sport with competitive sport: For three days, over 1000 of our spectators will practice with 86 top-trainers and pass exams up to the 8th Dan before they will be cheering for the athletes for five days during the World Championships.

Опубліковано: 09-07-2014

plaža Slatina Opatija

Še manj kot mesec dni je ostalo do Opatija Summer Fight Night ,ki bo zopet tako kot lani na prečudoviti plaži Slatina v Opatiji .Ogledali si boste lahko predstavitve borilnih veščin,javne sparinge ter se družili z borci Opatija Fight Club ter ostalimi gosti .Organizator prireditve je eden izmed najboljših klubov na Hrvaškem kot tudi v širši regiji Opatija 

Опубліковано: 09-07-2014

The All Australia Karate Championships & Sydney Junior Games were the original Australian Martial Arts Championships. They are run by Kempo Ryu Karate, and this year it is for the 19th time. This is an AMAC sanctioned event - in other words, if you place here, you will be eligible to compete in the All Japan Championships in June and October this year. 

Опубліковано: 09-07-2014

23th to 26th October 2014
Umag / Croatia

Open for all Nations, Fighters of all federations, Associations etc Ladies And Gentlemen, President National Federation / Associations, We are pleased to invite you to the World Championships held in the beautiful city of Umag, Croatia. On this special occasion we would like to extend an invitation to your National Team to participate in the World Championships. The event will be held from the 23th to 26th October 2014, the World Championships will offer good opportunities to Kids, Juniors, Adult athlete to participate in different kind of fighting and competition.

Опубліковано: 09-07-2014

3-5 OCTOBER 2014

17th European Championship here in Cyprus and his spirit to join all of us, to make this the most Successful WIKF European Championships in his honor.

Опубліковано: 09-07-2014

Date: 8th and 9th of November 2014

Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Venue: Glasgow Club Bellahouston Sport Centre, Bellahouston Drive, Glasgow, G52 1HH

We are very happy to invite you and your team to once again attend the 9 th Scottish Open International Taekwondo Championships which will take place at its new home in Bellahouston Sports centre in Glasgow 10 minutes drive from Glasgow Airport and Glasgow City Centre. This new venue will make it easier for teams to access and also provide a wealth of amenities in the immediate vicinity of the venue.

Опубліковано: 09-07-2014

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