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Опубліковано: 2015-08-07 16:04:19

Date and place: 27 september 2015, Tbilisi, GEORGIA
Event location: Sport Complex – “Judo Academy” (Adress: #5 Beliashvili str. Tbilisi, GEORGIA)
- Georgian Fullcontact Karate National Federation (GFKNF);
- Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia. (www.msy.gov.ge)
Main Referee: Shihan – Avtandil Shengelia. Branch Chief/Country Rep. and President of GFKNF

Tournament’s  goals:
- Collecting experience;
- Deepening friendship between fighters of participants;
- Promoting Shinkyokushinkai and Full Contact Karate in Georgia and Caucasus Region;
- Promoting Host Country of European Shinkyokushinkai Karate Championship-2016;
- Development of international relations;

Conditions of participation:
- Registration within the given deadline (01.08.2015);
- Written medical certificate (not older than 3 month);
- Written certificate of non-pregnant for all female participants.

Weight category’s and age: Age for competitors must be inclusive 18 years and older (ADULT)
Man: Lightweight –70kg.; Middleweight –80kg.; Heavyweight (and open)+80kg.
Women: Open weight category Fight duration:  3 min.; 2 min.; Weighting; 2min. 1/2 Final and Final Fights: 3min.; 2 min.; 2min.; Weighting; 2min. (Final extension)             Different in W./Category – Lightweight and Middleweight +5kg.; Heavyweight and open +10kg.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The travel costs are covered by the sending organization.
GFKNF - will covered all the costs for  invited Country teams for the following members: Branch Chief/Country Rep., or President of Federation (1); Coach/Team Leader (1); Referee/Judge (1); Men-1 Fighter in each weight category = 3 man; 2 women (open w./cat.). In total 8 person. 

GNFSK-ensures and covers following costs:
- Accommodation (hotel, including breakfast) for invited delegation;
- Transportation for Tbilisi international airport to the hotel and back;
- Transportation from hotel to Sport Complex “Judo Academy” and back;
- Service in Sport Complex “Judo Academy” (including lunch);
- Medical service;
- Rewarding the Champions and Prize-Winners with the Trophy, Medals and Diplomas, Special prizes;
- Press-conference, Meeting with the head of delegations in the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs;                                                                                                                             - Sayonara Party.

Fee For Participation = 10 Eur.
Official schedule: 25 /26.09.2015 – Arrival Day;
26.09.2014 – Medical and Weight Control; Referee Meeting; Draw
27.09.2014 – Tournament Day.
28.09.2014 – Departure day

Contacts: Shihan – Avtandil Shengelia  Branch Chief/Country Rep. and President of GFKNF.
geoshinkyokushin@mail.ru  cell: +995 595934899

Irakli Dolaberidze Head of Sport Department of Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia.
i.dolaberidze@msy.gov.ge   dola.ika@mail.ru mob: +995 577665566     

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