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2015 Commonwealth Karate Championships

Опубліковано: 2015-07-16 16:08:13

The 2015 Commonwealth Karate Championships will take place in New Delhi (India), on September 12-15, 2015. This international competition is an Open event (open to athletes registered with a Commonwealth Karate Federation member National Federation, such as Karate Canada and its provincial member Associations), accessible to all athletes aged 10 and older, in both kata and kumite divisions.

Canadian athletes who choose or plan to compete in this event are asked to please kindly confirm this by filling out an online Doodle poll (click here for access), confirming intent to participate, no later than June 30th, 2015, so as to help Karate Canada assess and anticipate the number of Canadian participants at this event. (Please note that filling out the Doodle poll to indicate intent to participate is, in this case, non-binding, and does not formally engage athletes to take part in the event. It also does not constitute registration, and all participants must register themselves.)

Please note that due to budgetary considerations, Karate Canada does not yet have definitive plans concerning possible coaching support / staff at this event (if any), and participation of all athletes will be entirely self-funded.  

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