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Free KUGB Black & Brown Belt Course - Garvagh

Опубліковано: 2015-07-09 20:13:01

Saturday 1st August 2015

Instructors: Sensei A Sherry, 9th Dan, and another senior KUGB Sensei

Jim Watt Sports Centre Kinard Park Fort Road Garvagh Coleraine County Londonderry Northern Ireland BT51 5NQ

Tel: 028 2955 8686


Training for Brown Belts - 10.30am to 12.00pm
Training for Black Belts - 12.00pm to 1.30pm
Grading for 1st and 2nd Dan - 2.30pm onwards


All those training and grading must bring their current KUGB licence.
Those grading must bring a completed official permission form, signed by their Instructor, and a recent passport-size photograph.
Forms etc must be presented at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the grading.
Gumshields and KUGB approved white hand-mitts are compulsory for Jiyu Kumite.

The training course is free.

The grading fees are as follows: 1st Dan - £70, 2nd Dan - £80
Re-take (Kata or Kumite only): 1st Dan - £60, 2nd Dan - £65

Cheques & POs are payable to KUGB

The above fees include a KUGB Dan-grade certificate and registration for successful candidates. Certificates will be sent by post.

Those who fail a Dan-grading must wait a minimum of three months before a re-take, except when the Examiner specifically states otherwise. In such cases, the required period will be noted on the candidates grading form, and this must be retained by the candidate and produced at the re-take.

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