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JKA 1 st Asia Oceania Junior Karate Championship Tournament

Опубліковано: 2015-07-08 12:46:40

Date August 22, 2015 (Friday)
09:00 am to be started
Preliminary and final matches, Boys and Girls

286 Ramkhamhaeng Road Huamark BangKapi Bangkok 10240 Thailand

<Kata> One team 3 contestants shall perform the same kata at once. Point system will be applied and
the order shall be determined based on the points.
The teams selected after preliminary match should choose different Kata than preliminary match
at the final matches. Katas can be chosen from following;
Bassai-dai, Kanku-dai, Empi, Jion, Jitte, Hangetsu, Gankaku, Tekki-nidan, Tekki-sandan,
Bassai-sho, Kanku-sho, Nijushiho, Sochin, Meikyo, Gojushiho-dai, Gojushiho-sho, Unshu, Chinte
and Wankan.

<Kumite> A team should consist of 3 contestants for Men’s team, 3 for Women’s one.
2 minutes with One Point Sytem (Ippon Shobu)
Playoff games for the third place shall be conducted.
*Common matter for both Individual and Team match
<Kata Match> In case of a tie in the order determining match, the relevant contestants must engage in an
extra match (Sai-shiai) with the same Kata.

Even if the extra match ends in a tie, the lowest score will be added as a tiebreak.
Even if it is still square, the highest score will be added as a tiebreak.
Even if it is still a deadlock, the relevant contestants must engage in an additional extra
match with a different Kata.

For Inquiry kokusaibu-3@jka.or.jp

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