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Опубліковано: 2015-07-02 22:08:07

11 and 12 JULY 2015

The 2015 New Zealand National Karate Championships will be held at the Te Rauparaha Arena, Porirua, Wellington.

Te Rauparaha Arena in Porirua on Monday 13 July and Tuesday 14 July. Train with National team members under the guidance of the National Coaches. Part of selection process for Oceania Championships. 

Please note: 
Competitors must have a current UNZKO licence to compete. Enquires please email admin@karatenz.org.nz  or Forms can be downloaded off the website www.karatenz.co.nz under “Join Us & Forms” and “Player Registration”Discount for family members (living at the same address) is $10 for each additional competitor

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