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IFK Greece to host U21 World Tournament in 2015

Опубліковано: 2015-02-09 11:38:00

Due to the instability in the region the IFK, following discussions IFK Israel Country Representative Shihan Itzik Ashkenazi, have decided it is in the best interests of the event we move the U21 World Tournament to an alternative venue.

Fortunately two countries IFK Greece and IFK Romania proposed to take on this event and after careful consideration Greece has been selected to host the event.

Country Representative Sensei Stefanos Tranidis has set up an event team and they are busy preparing a website and all related information. The event will still be on the 21st March 2015 at the Micra Sports Centre in Thessaloniki, Greece. The official hotel will be the Nikopolis. The same regulations will apply for this event except that IFK Israel and IFK Greece will get host nation entry quota of double participants.

We hope to have all information circulated by mid October.

Hanshi thanks Shihan Itzik and his team for all the hard work prior to this change.

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