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Katame No Kata

Опубліковано: 2015-01-29 18:01:00

1 February, 2015

Dorchester Judo Club, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Ave, Dorset, DT1 2RZ

British Judo would like to offer you the opportunity to revalidate your coach award through participation in our innovatively delivered courses there will be virtually no study of the formal aspects of Kata. Instead, you will be given a range of practical suggestions about how to use the technical elements of each Kata technique to support, enhance and develop what you currently teach. This in turn will improve your understanding of the historical context of Kata and the benefits it can bring to your coaching.

Prior registration is required, please complete entry form below - places are limited. For further information please contact, Sandra Klinger , BJA Technical Officer - e-mail:
sandra.klinger@britishjudo.org.uk or call mobile: 07854215654 

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