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Rules Seminar

Опубліковано: 2015-01-29 16:53:00

Sunday 8 February, 9.30am
Shinojimakai Judo Club
Rear of 33 Raymond Street, Ashwood

The Victorian Referees Commission would like invite you to attend this year’s first Rules Seminar. Anyone interested in becoming a referee or who is regularly involved in competition (coaches and competitors) should consider attending.

Topics for the day will include:
1. What are the requirements to be a JVI Referee?
2. Role of Table Judges, Central Referee and Commission
3. Junior Rules and their application
4. Coach/Mentor and referee relationship
5. More contentious referee interpretations
6. What you can expect from a career in refereeing
7. Question & Answer session

The seminar is expected to finish around midday
see www.judovictoria.com.au for more information

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