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Fighting Seminar whith Valeri Dimitrov

Опубліковано: 2015-01-27 14:24:00

Sensei Valeri Dimitrovs merits speak for themselves:

- 14 times European Champion
- 3 times World Cup winner
- Recently won the Hungarian Mas Oyama Memorial Cup

The fighting seminar is for every karateka, that have an interest in kumite (Fighting). If you wonder on wether or not the seminar is for you, ask your instructor.

Despite the fact that the seminar is held only over 2 days, you are guaranteed tough and inspirational kumite training with plenty of sparring. Pointed out, that the seminar will teach you in the Shinkyokushin/Kyokushin knockdown principles, and NOT semi-contact – Which is why you upon registration, should consider physique and age. Approach your coach with that in mind. The seminar will provide: technical training, sparring, endurance/stamina training, and fighting strategy..

1 - 2 Dogi's , protection ( shinpads/gloves ), towel, running shoes and running clothes, your Karate Kyu-passport and a good mood ;-)

Price and registration
The seminar will cost 450 DKK, that includes lunch for both days, and farewell-food for the end of the second day. And at last: a world class instructor.

If you have the need of staying over the weekend in a DOJO, we provide two dojos:

Karateklubben Kyokushinkai København
Glentevej 70A
2400 KBH. NV
(Free parking, and 6 minutes from the seminar with a car)
(Contact Fady Allan)


Shinryokudan Nansensgade Karate
Nansensgade 47, baghuset 3. sal
1366 København K
(In the middle of the city)
(Contact Sensei Mathias Hallberg - Information below)

The registration is in your local dojo (And is binding). Your dojo will recieve a registration application.

You will also be able to pay on the day of the seminar, as long as you're registered on the list.

Please send the registration application to Sensei Mathias Halberg.

Any questions, contact Sensei Mathias Halberg
Mobile: +45 40 78 00 75
E-mail: Mathias.halberg@gmail.com

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