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Japanese festivals: Furusato-matsuri Tokyo

Опубліковано: 2015-01-23 14:19:00

Event: 6th Furusato-matsuri Tokyo
Date: 10-19 January 2014
Location: Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan.
Ticket price: 1.500 yens (week-end or public holiday), 1.200 yens (weekday), 1.000 yens (evening).

Closest hotel: Tokyo Dome Hotel.
Closest stations: Kasuga (Toei Mita line or Toei Oedo line), Korakuen (Marunouchi line or Namboku line), Suidobashi (JR Chuo Main line or Toei Mita line).

The annual event Furusato-matsuri Tokyo is the occasion to see beautiful Japanese traditional costumes and dances, hear traditional songs and music (Japanese drums, flutes…), smell and savour great Japanese food, touch diverse products and buy uncommon souvenirs. You can see an impressive float and performances of diverse regional Japanese festivals!

Normally used for baseball games and concerts, Tokyo Dome provides much space for shops and booths. Plan at least 3 hours on site and favour weekdays to avoid big crowds. Everything is in Japanese but that is not a problem for foreign tourists :)

If you are a tourism professional on business trip, you can get travel posts, try regional food from all over Japan, meet shopkeepers and exchange business cards. Our travel agency being near Tokyo Dome, one of our travel agents will definitely attend this cool event!

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