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WKF Karate1 Premier League

Опубліковано: 2015-01-14 13:04:00

On behalf of the French Karate Federation, it is my pleasure to invite you to the Open Karate Premier League of Paris which will be held from January 23rd to January 25th 2015.

For the third time, the Paris Open will be taking part in the WKF Premier League. This series of Premium competitions was put in place by the WKF with the intention to bring together the best karate competitors thus creating an unprecedented WKF Karate 1 - Premier League event both in size and quality.

This year in Paris, the event will already start on Friday afternoon with kata competition and it will last 3 days. Also, taking into account the demands of TV distributors, the schedule of the competition will accommodate the finals for all categories on Sunday afternoon. It is important, to demonstrate the attractiveness of karate and continue the promotion of our sport, that all participants attend the finals session.

The French Karate Federation is proud to host this WKF Premier League open competition and the organizing committee will do its utmost to offer the best facilities in order to make this a most successful and memorable event

French Karate Federation
Porte d’Orléans – 39 rue Barbès - 92120 MONTROUGE
Fax: +33 (0) Phone: +33(0)
E-mail : opendeparis@ffkarate.fr

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