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Опубліковано: 2014-10-08 16:07:00

Date: March 27, 2015 - March 28, 2015

Country: Malta

Malta is a very small island, and one can find hotels and youth hostels around
the island very easily. We Recommend to use the following hotel for booking
well in advance and get special prices by simply mentioning the booking Code
listed on the Accommodation Package

All kata Categories will be judged by POINTS
 4 Tatami will be used throughout the day (see area setup)
 Kata will be judged by points. If Category is less than 20 athletes : one round – one kata. If
Category more than 20 athletes : 2 rounds -2 kata (second round – 8 Athletes pass) . Chief
Area Referee will inform athletes how many rounds.
 Any athlete can participate in any amount of Categories, if possible, there will be no waiting
or stoppage of categories, simple to wait for an athlete. From the organizers side, we will do
our best for everyone to take part in every category entered.
 If the same 2 competitors tie twice, final decision is to be taken by flags.
 Categories 6, 8,10,12,14,16 Change Kata each round (3rd kyu (brown and above)). All
other Kata Categories can repeat same kata all rounds.
 Athletes can compete with their own coloured belt.
 There may be amalgamations of categories due to lack of athletes in the said events.
 Kindly note that in Team Kata and Pair Kata , one round – one kata. If there is a draw,
same kata can be repeated. (No Bunkai is needed in final)
 Any known style kata will be allowed for all grades
 Categories 27, 28,29 will have Music, therefore all areas will be stopped and only one
tatami will be used for these categories.
 The coach is to provide the music on a USB Stick (NOT cds) as to avoid any malfunction on
the day. Coach will be ask to send by email one week before the championships all Music
(in mp3 format) with athletes details.
Trophies awarded to the first 4 places. PARTICIPATION TOKEN TO EVERYONE ON THE DAY.
KUMITE (Saturday, 28
th March 2015 ... Day 2)
 Rules based on WUKF . Coaches and Referees will be briefed before the competition
with all the changes by the chief referee before the Kumite section starts.
 Red and White Belts/ mitts ONLY.... This is a WUKF Tournament (No Blue Mitts).
Gum shields (a must) Clean gis are compulsory. Chest guards (ladies/girls) and groin
guards are recommended.
No T-shirts or other fancy type of equipment/gear is allowed (except in FREE STYLE forms
Categories – Kata)
Very IMPORTANT : For Safety reasons, any athletes without gum shields will
NOT be allowed to fight. Coaches please take note.
Every competitor is to provide his own equipment, protection, belts etc..etc.
Team Kumite. You must be registered to a club or association you are competing. You
must list all team members names on the entry form.... In team kumite, if the first 2 bouts
are won by the same team, that team will be awarded a 2-0 win. The last bout will not be

Email Address : sksm@maltanet.net

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