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Third Annual Black Dragon Fighting Society Gathering

Опубліковано: 2014-09-08 18:25:00

Thursday-4 September 2014

They began quietly slipping into town the day before. By plane, train and automobile they came. From all over the country they came, to once again join in the fellowship and brotherhood of the most ancient and honorable Black Dragon Fighting Society. Masters and Grandmasters all, come to share their knowledge and good will, to see old friends again, to talk and eat and laugh and train in the martial arts. And all, humble as the dust, no fanfare, no parade nor guards of honor, just a quiet gathering of skill and ability like no other.

The setting was sunny Lido Beach, pearl of the Gulf Coast. People from all over the world come to vacation there, to wander the shops in St. Armand's Key, to visit the Ringling Art Museum, or the Salvador Dali Gallery, to stroll the snow white beaches and marvel at the clarity of the moon and stars, while enjoying the hospitality of the fabulous Lido Beach Resort. There were two towers, north and south. The latter was the site of the seminars and banquet, hosted by Shinja (Spiritual Warrior) Martial Arts University Hall of Honors. The Royal Palm Room of the eighth floor provided a spectacular view of the beach and Sarasota skyline.

It was the 3rd Annual Gathering of the Official Black Dragon Fighting Society, founded by Count Dante during the turmoil of the sixties and ressurected by Grandmaster Lawrence Day in the 21st century. It was a true Reunion for Hanshi Frank Dux and Grandmaster John Enger, who hadn't trained together since Fort Walton Beach in 2010. Always good to see old friends again.

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