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Mugai Ryu Gasshuku this year in Afantou in Rhodos

Опубліковано: 2014-09-30 09:54:00

October 3rd to 8th

We will hold the third Mugai Ryu Gasshuku this year in Afantou in Rhodos, Greece.

All three aspects of Mugai Ryu and Genko Nito Ryu will be taught, so the training will be Kata, Kumitachi and Tameshigiri (extracost for the mats). Also in the program will be: Meditation, Qi Gong, night-training in the nature, philosophic talking at the fire and more.

Teacher: Luciano Gabriel Morgenstern, 6. Dan, Renshi, Mugai Ryu,

Application: Luciano Gabriel Morgenstern

Room-reservation: if possible until June 30th 2014 (Please keep in mind that you can stay longer)

Fee: 120,- Euro
Mugai Ryu Europe NPO members: 100,- Euro

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