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Open Seminar with Sensei Popovic in Greece

Опубліковано: 2014-09-02 18:17:00

Dates: 5-7 September 2014
Venue: Okikukai Hellas Hombu Dojo
Address: 96 Mavrokordatou str, Volos - Greece

Okikukai Hellas Hombu Dojo and the Greek Representative of Okikukai in Greece, Sensei Michael Grigoris (4 Dan - Jun Shihan) organize the Annual Open Uechi-Ryu Karate Seminar for 2014. The seminar will be led by Sensei Vladimir Popovic (7 Dan Kyoshi) with the assistance of Vladimir Djordjevic (4 Dan - Jun Shihan).

The sessions will take place in Okikukai Hellas Hombu Dojo (96 Mavrokordatou str. Volos, Greece) from 5 to 7 of September and will be open to the public. There will be both advanced level, for current students, and entry-level sessions for people who wish to get an introduction to Uechi-Ryu Karate.

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