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WGKF World Karate Championships 2015

Опубліковано: 2014-08-29 11:34:00

On behalf of the NZGKF and the Oceania Goju Ryu Karate Federation it is my pleasure to welcome you all to New Zealand for the next WGKF World Karate Championships. A special thank you to Sensei Lilian Kattan for organising the wonderful World Championship we have just had in the beautiful city of Stellenbosch, South Africa. I would also like to thank our WGKF World President Humberto De Oliveira for his support. I look forward to seeing you all in Auckland, New Zealand 2015.

Dennis May
President : Oceania Goju Ryu Karate Federation (OGKF)
Vice-President : World Goju Ryu Karate Federation (WGKF)

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