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Open Shito Ryu Karate World Cup

Опубліковано: 2014-08-27 17:13:00

DATES: December 5th-7th, 2014

VENUE: BUDAÖRS CITY SPORTSHALL (BVUSS Sport Center) Hársfa u. 6 Budaörs, 2040, HUNGARY

The International Hayashi ha Shito Ryu Karate do FederaƟ on’s Open Shito Ryu Karate World Cup
stand out as one of the highlights of the worldwide Karate scene in 2014. From December 5th-7th ,
the door will be opened for the world’s best athletes in Hungary for the Open Shito World Cup Ɵ tles.
The event is not only to compete, but an outstanding possibbility to learn both in Kata and Kumite, also to improve your skills as a referee.

Kata Seminars will be given by Hanshi Julius Thiry (head of InternaƟ onal Hayashi ha Shito ryu
Karate do FederaƟ on) and Sensei Katherine Thiry Jones, both are teachers of many individual
and team kata WKF world Ɵ tles.

For those who would like to approve their kumite skills, Seminars will be held by Seiji Nishimura
WKF World Chamipion and Adam S. Kovács WKF World Games Champion.
Referees meeƟ ng Chaired by Mr. Chuck Sweigart WKF referee, with the support of the members
of the Referees Comission.


Zsuzsanna Klima
Director of Championship Organizing CommiƩ ee

Renáta Szathmáry
Co-Director of Organizing CommiƩ ee

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