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Aikido Seminar with Jan Nevelius Shihan

Опубліковано: 2014-08-22 14:33:00

6th Dan Aikikai Tokyo
19 - 21 September 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany

Jan Nevelius is 6th Dan Aikikai Tokyo and head of the Vanadis Dojo in Stockholm/Sweden. In January 2013, he was awarded the Shihan title by Hombu Dojo Tokyo. Jan started practising Aikido in 1975 and spent some years in Japan where he studied under Yamaguchi Sensei and Endo Sensei. Today, he considers Endo Sensei and Christian Tissier as his most influential teachers.

Jan‘s personal interpretation of Aikido is inspired by a range of meditative and martial arts, whose value to a broader understanding of Aikido he explores playfully. He focusses on contact and connection with the
partner as a means of lively communication, and on working with the common centre.

Mobile +49 (163) 6406040 (Ulli)

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