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Martial Arts expert Brooks Miller to conduct Muay Thai seminar

Опубліковано: 2014-08-22 11:35:00

VINTON–Muay Thai is a form of martial arts often called the “Art of 8 Limbs,” because it involves two fists, two feet, two elbows, and two knees. One of its chief practitioners, Brooks Miller, will be presenting a seminar on Muay Thai, originally the sport of kickboxing, on October 28 and 29 at K & S Kenpo Self Defense Martial Arts studio. K & S Kenpo is owned and operated by Kenny Garner and his daughter Shawna.

Miller has won two East Championships in the sport and will be participating in a seminar at Karate College in Radford during the last week of June. Garner convinced him to come to Vinton while he is in the area.

The two-part seminar is scheduled for October 28 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and June 29 from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The cost is $30 and includes both sessions.

The Garners are working to complete their degrees in Muay Thai, so they will be participating in the class themselves.

The seminar at K & S Kenpo is open to anyone from beginner to top-level athlete; all experience levels are welcome. The seminar is recommended for those ages 10 and up, both male and female.

According to the website for Miller’s studio, Pentagon Mixed Martial Arts located in Arlington, Virginia, “Muay Thai takes mental and physical fitness to the next level.”

Muay Thai, which is also called Thai-boxing, is the national sport of Thailand. They adapted Western-style ring rules in the 1920′s. Competitors are allowed to punch, kick, elbow, and knee each other in the ring.

In recent years, martial arts fighting competitions using Thai-boxing’s powerful techniques have made it the martial art of choice for professional fighters across the world.

The website says that “Despite its reputation as a brutal fighting sport, Muay Thai Kickboxing is a martial arts fitness & self-defense program that is both fun and safe for the entire family.  MuayThai offers a full body workout that is guaranteed to get you in the best shape of your life.”

Miller is the Fight Team Coach and manager at the Pentagon studio. He has been involved in the sport of Muay Thai since 1992, and has been a three-time champion in three different weight divisions. He has coached numerous Muay Thai champions himself. He has also assisted in writing three books on the sport.

Miller is known as “the King of Knees” because of his “devastating use of clinched knee strikes.” He has asked Shawna Garner to become one of his fighters and to train with him in Arlington.

“He sees a lot of potential in her,” said Kenny Garner.

Both Garners will be helping Brooks with the demonstrations at the K & S Kenpo seminar. Those who attend will not be just watching, but participating in the moves, throwing kicks and punches.

Brooks will be bringing fighters with him from the Arlington studio as well, to help with the demonstrations.

The Garner’s dojo (training school) is located at 1036 Goodview Road on the right just off Route 24 at the traffic light in Stewartsville. More information on the seminar and other classes is available from Garner by calling 892-9884. Participants are encouraged to bring a towel and bottle of water along with them.

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