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12th WKI International Karate Championship

Опубліковано: 2014-08-13 13:29:00

After the grand success of 17th All INDIA & 11th International Karate Championship, we take great pleasure in extending invitation for 12th WKI International Karate Championship to be held from 1 st Nov 2014 to 2 nd Nov 2014 at Badminton Hall, Gujarat Refinery, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

The primary aim of this championship is to bring the best talent in Karate into light and to expose this art at the international scene. We also intend to bring various karate clubs together irrespective oftheirstyle.

The championship will be conducted by KAI, AKF, WKF Refree under various age andь weight categories, asprescribedbyWKFRules.

We once again extend a hearty welcome to you and assure that with your kind co-operation and guidance,wewillmake the 12thWKI InternationalKarate Championshipa grandsuccess. Looking forward for yourfavorable respons

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