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WKF Bremen Congress

Опубліковано: 2014-08-07 12:17:00

In accordance with the Rules of the Athletes Commission that you can find attached, please be informed that during the Bremen World Championships 2 members will be elected by their peers. This process already started in Paris 2012 World Championships and after the said election in Bremen, the AC will elect its Chairman and he / she will become full member of the Executive Committee. This is a significant step forward in the WKF and therefore we ask you to take all the interest in this issue.

In accordance with point 3 of the attached rules, and as the 2 members elected in Paris 2012 belong to Asia (Vietnam) and to Europe (Austria), in Bremen no more than 1 from the 2 members of the AC to be elected can belong to Asia / Africa; additionally Vietnam and Austria are not eligible, as all 4 members have to belong to 4 different NFs. Please read carefully the Rules attached and also especially the other eligibility conditions contained.

The period for presenting candidatures is therefore open, with deadline 17 October. All candidatures must be submitted by the NFs where the candidate belongs, including a resume and a picture of the candidate and must assure his/her acceptance. A candidate, in order for the candidature to be valid, must participate in Bremen 2014 and additionallymust have participated in at least one World Senior Championships from the ones of 2010 and 2012.

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