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The 8th World Championships

Опубліковано: 2014-08-06 10:50:00

Curitiba, Paraná BRAZIL

November 21-23, 2014

Minimum rank San-Dan, with International Official Experience.
Proficiency & understanding of Kata, Bunkai, Kumite, and Kobudo Rules
Perform and analyze two Katas from mandatory list. Pass official written test. Know requirements J and O.
Certification to Class R by WKO rules committee Class J Official - Officials who have demonstrated the highest standards of professionalism and proficiency. These officials shall have the ability to referee, judge or arbitrate at the International level.

Proficiency in understanding refereeing terminology in two or more languages (Japanese/English).
Class 0 Official for a minimum of one year. Certification to Class J by International Council of Referees.
Minimum karate rank of Ni -Dan Minimum age over 18.
Proficiency and understanding of International rules as demonstrated in previous tournaments.
Proficiency & understanding of Kata, Kumite and Kobudo as demonstrated before the International
Referees Rules Council. Pass official written test.
Class O Official - Officials who have demonstrated the ability to Judge or arbitrate at the International level.
Proficiency in understanding time keeping scorekeeping,and penalty

Proficiency and pass evaluation in officiating as a referee, judge and arbitrator as demonstrated in
tournaments and practice matches.

Participated at one WKO International Karate Championship as a table volunteer.
Certification to Class 0 by International Council of Referees.
Shall have an Yudansha (black belt) rank.
Minimum age of 18. Pass official written test. Participated at Officials clinic, practical demonstration of
judging and refereeing .

Exceptions - Upon the recommendation and the confidence of the International WKO Executive Rules
Committee and the Council of Referees, time limits and classifications can be waived on an individual basis if
an official demonstrates the knowledge and ability to perform on a higher level.
Authority - All officials must be certified with a certified instructor of the International WKO Referees’
Council present with the authority and approval of the International Executive Committee.
“O” Official’s license shall be valid for two years. “R” and “J” Official’s license shall be valid for four years.

Junior Officials
Purpose and Function - WKO International Karate Committee to establish and develop a Junior Official’s
program at each World Championship. The International WKO Referees Council, will determine the
complete requirements and officiating capacity for all Junior Officials.
General Requirements and officiating capacity Minimum age of 16, Pass official written test, Participated at Officials clinic, practical demonstration of knowledge of judging and refereeing . All Junior officials shall be licensed as Junior Official. Shall have an Mudansha rank of San kyu

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