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The 15 th Czech Karate Open Euro Grand Prix Visegrad four series

Опубліковано: 2014-08-05 13:08:00

18th – 19th October, 2014
Pilsen (Plzeň), Czech Republic

The biggest international tournament in karate for youth and adults, which is held in the Czech Republic.

The tournament, which launched its own history at the turn of the millennium in 2000, found in the last years of European and world elite and became highly sought after preparatory tournament for many federations.

We are very happy to welcome family karate from around the world that will host one of the great sports towns in the Czech Republic. City of Pilsen trained many famous athletes and stars not only karate, but from a very wide field of sports.

We are proud that the tournament has been held for the fifteenth time in which the final preparations for 2015 , when the city of Plzeň , will be the European City of Culture. A right combination of sport and culture, and of course a good drink is our biggest draw for all participants in this tournament


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