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9th Annual UC Yongmudo Championship 3rd Annual Multi-Martial Arts Challenge

Опубліковано: 2014-07-10 12:33:00

October 2014, Kleeberger Field House, Recreational Sports Facility, UC Berkeley Campus

This tournament, resurrected from a tradition of having all of UCMAP's member clubs in a "hanmadang," or a community event bringing a wide variety of arts together, brings its members together to compete in the spirit of mutual encouragement and admiration. It is as much an event for educating each other on the merits of each martial art as it is about fostering the improvement of one's own skills.

The anchor of this tournament is the UC Yongmudo Championship, an event that mixes various types of sparring with a skit competition. Its four rounds of advanced sparring includes a kicking and punching round reminiscent of taekwondo, a round of standing throws reminiscent of judo, a grappling or ground wrestling round, and a round that combines elements of the first three in a round that is simply known as "the yongmudo round." Beginning and intermediate students compete in a subset of these rounds depending on their level of expertise.

More information on this tournament will be available early September 2014.

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