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The 1 st K WF World Karate Championship and The 2nd KWF International Karate Tournament

Опубліковано: 2014-07-10 11:21:00

On behalf of the Kyokushin World Federation I would like to invite you and your fighters to participate in the First KWF World Championships which will be held in Tokyo-Chiba on 3 November 2014.

Since this is the first and most important event in the history of the KWF, we ask you to put maximum organizational effort so we could all meet up in Tokyo and enjoy our success.

Another important element that unites our organization will be the Mitsumine Camp held on 4-6 November 2014 during which a Kyu and Dan examination will be conducted. The seminar is organized mainly for CRs and instructors.

The general organizer of the championships is KWF but the immediate event organizer is the Japanese Kyokushin Federation led by Shihan Noriyuki Tanaka.

Enclosed you will find a Invitation in pdf and docx format as well as Application forms and Invitation to the Mitsumine Camp.

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