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2014 All Australia Karate Championships

Опубліковано: 2014-07-09 13:55:00

The All Australia Karate Championships & Sydney Junior Games were the original Australian Martial Arts Championships. They are run by Kempo Ryu Karate, and this year it is for the 19th time. This is an AMAC sanctioned event - in other words, if you place here, you will be eligible to compete in the All Japan Championships in June and October this year. This is an all-styles tournament where any martial art can participate, both children and adults. See the entry form for details. This year too, there will a special guest team from Japan, led by Soeno Yoshiji Kancho of Shidokan. Soeno Kancho was a student of Mas Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin, who eventually moved on to form his own style. 

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